Analysis of the prospects for multi-purpose classification of bakery products using L. Euler circles through a categorical triplex: purpose-raw materials-technology


  • Tatyana S. Korshik Russian Biotechnological University
  • Anastasia L. Mastikhina Russian Biotechnological University
  • Svetlana V. Tolkacheva Russian Biotechnological University
  • Yulia A. Kosikova Russian Biotechnological University
  • Alexander I. Limarov Belgorod State Technological University named after. V.G. Shukhova


classification, L. Euler circles, bakery products, classification signs, raw materials, purpose, technology


Relevance. In the context of global changes in the consumer market, the expansion of the current range of bakery products, the launch of new products with additional consumer properties, the development of new baking technologies, including innovative techniques, new approaches to the classification of bakery products are required. In order to find common ground between the tasks of producers, sellers, consumers and government agencies, L. Euler's method for creating a multifunctional classification of bakery products was first proposed. It seems appropriate for the authors to consider the triplex “purpose-raw materials-technology” as a fundamental factor in the formation of new approaches to classification, which will most fully characterize the entire current and projected range of bakery products. Purpose of the study: to develop a classification method based on the analysis and optimization of existing approaches to the classification of bakery products, taking into account global challenges. Materials and methods. A systematic approach, hierarchical and facet classification methods, content analysis of publications, and L. Euler’s method were used. Scientific sampling allowed us to cover a wide range of methods for analyzing and identifying criteria for the classification of bakery products. The identified criteria were compared and allocated into the most homogeneous groups with multi-level structuring: fundamental criteria (categorical triplex) - secondary criteria (within the framework of the fundamental criterion) - subordinate criteria (varying depending on the classification tasks). Objects of research: federal and industry regulations, FIPS patent database, catalogs of online stores of popular Russian and foreign retail chains. Results. As a result of the analysis and synthesis of the identified criteria for bakery products, approaches to creating a multi-purpose classification using L. Euler circles are demonstrated. The need to create an elastic classification, with the possibility of its transformation for given purposes, is emphasized. The practical implementation of the proposed approach to the classification of bakery products is demonstrated using the example of three samples of bakery products, which differ as much as possible within the framework of secondary criteria, demonstrating the possibility of changes to suit the tasks of applying the classification. Conclusions. The resulting classification has all the advantages of a hierarchical classification; it is more informative and deeper than the facet classification, while providing variability and versatility. This classification will be useful in justifying directions for the development of new food products, choosing technology and raw materials, developing a strategy for creating specialized products, and ensuring compatibility with other classification systems used in various countries and industries for the purposes of international trade and standardization. This model can be used to create interfaces and catalogs for online retail businesses. The authors see the prospects for improving the methodology as expanding the range of subordinate criteria due to their deeper specialization. This classification technique can also be scaled to other homogeneous groups of food products.


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How to Cite

Korshik, T. S., Mastikhina, A. L., Tolkacheva, S. V., Kosikova, Y. A., & Limarov, A. I. (2023). Analysis of the prospects for multi-purpose classification of bakery products using L. Euler circles through a categorical triplex: purpose-raw materials-technology. Bakery of Russia, 67(2), 6–23. Retrieved from




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