Analysis of the effectiveness of the introduction of automation systems into the technological processes of bakery production


  • Dmitry M. Polennikov Russian University of Biotechnology


production automation, efficiency, productivity, cost reduction, product quality, process optimization


The integration of automated systems into production processes is one of the key factors in improving the efficiency and competitiveness of modern enterprises. This study is devoted to the analysis of the effectiveness of the introduction of automation systems into production processes using the example of a number of industrial enterprises in Russia. The main purpose of the work is to identify the key advantages and potential problems associated with production automation, as well as to develop recommendations for optimizing the process of implementing automated systems. The materials and methods of the study include the analysis of statistical data obtained from the enterprises participating in the study, as well as conducting interviews with managers and specialists in the field of production automation. The study examined indicators such as increased productivity, reduced costs, improved product quality and staff satisfaction. Statistical analysis methods, including regression analysis and time series analysis, were used to process the data. The results of the study show that the introduction of automation systems leads to a significant increase in the efficiency of production processes. In particular, the enterprises participating in the study showed an increase in productivity by an average of 24%, a decrease in production costs by 18% and an increase in product quality by 15%. In addition, automation has helped to improve working conditions and increase staff satisfaction. However, the study also identified a number of potential problems associated with the implementation of automated systems, such as the need for significant financial investments, the need for highly qualified personnel and the risk of technical failures. Based on the results obtained, recommendations were developed to optimize the process of introducing automated systems into production, including careful planning, gradual implementation, staff training and regular maintenance. The application of these recommendations will allow enterprises to maximize the benefits of automation and minimize potential risks.


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How to Cite

Polennikov, D. M. (2024). Analysis of the effectiveness of the introduction of automation systems into the technological processes of bakery production. Bakery of Russia, 68(3), 64–77. Retrieved from




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