Study of the effect of low-temperature processing on wheat grain


  • Artem S. Anurov Russian Biotechnological University


grain, grain raw materials, freezing, defrosting, destruction


Low-temperature processing is a promising direction in the global food industry, used for the production of bread and bakery products. It allows you to extend the shelf life and ensure the possibility of transporting the product frozen. In Russia, whole grain bakery products are increasingly in demand due to the high energy value, vitamins, minerals and plant fibers contained in the grain. Low temperature processing can help maintain these qualities in the production of whole grain baked goods. Thanks to the process of low-temperature processing of grain, it is possible to obtain a semi-finished grain product from which whole grain bakery products can be prepared. However, the features of the influence of low-temperature processing on grain have not yet been studied. Therefore, to begin with, a series of studies were carried out to determine the optimal soaking time for the grain under study. After that, the grain was subjected to low-temperature treatment with measurements of temperature changes during freezing and thawing. Based on the results of the study, it was determined that the minimum soaking time for Orlovskoye 32 wheat grain is 16 hours. Indicative graphs constructed after low-temperature processing of grain showed that starting from the 3rd cycle, the phase transition occurs with a significant decrease in the difference in temperature and freezing rate, but with each new cycle the rate of freezing begins increases. Based on the results of the study, a hypothesis about the cryogenic destruction of wheat grain substances during freezing and thawing in several cycles was put forward and considered.


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How to Cite

Anurov, A. S. (2023). Study of the effect of low-temperature processing on wheat grain. Bakery of Russia, 67(3), 6–14. Retrieved from

