About the Journal

The Bakery of Russia journal is a peer-reviewed open access scientific publication that publishes theoretical, analytical and scientific articles, reviews of articles and books in the field of quality and safety problems of bakery and flour products; monitoring of product quality; authenticity of products; new varieties of cereals, cereals, oilseeds; application of organic agricultural products; development of innovative technologies deep processing of agricultural raw materials to obtain new types of specialized, functional and enriched products; methods for evaluating the qualitative characteristics of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products; development of highly sensitive and precision analytical methods for detecting, identifying and quantifying the qualitative characteristics of products, including minor components of food, food additives, biologically active substances in food products; specialized, dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive, personalized nutrition; development of available methods for confirming the claimed effectiveness of specialized, functional and enriched food products, including using modern genomic and postgenomic technologies; production equipment and automation of production processes; development of innovative packaging materials to preserve the quality of food products; maintenance of production processes; repair, admission to further operation of production equipment; state regulation in the field of product quality, standardization and regulatory documentation; efficiency of production technological modes; replication of competitive production processes and food systems.

The journal has been published since 1957 and is included in the List of the leading peer-reviewed scientific journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of doctor and candidate of Sciences should be published.

The journal has been published since 1957 and is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, where the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences must be published.

The founder and publisher is the Public Organization "Russian Union of Bakers".

The journal is published quarterly (4 times a year).

The publishing house conducts peer review of all incoming materials and checks the level of originality.

"Bread Baking in Russia" provides a platform for researchers, specialists, and practitioners for the dissemination and exchange of knowledge in the form of high-quality empirical and theoretical scientific articles, thematic studies, opinion articles, and all types of reviews. The journal publishes theoretical, analytical, and research articles in the following scientific fields and specialties:
4.3.1. Technologies, machinery, and equipment for the agro-industrial complex (technical sciences)
4.3.3. Food systems (technical sciences)
4.3.5. Biotechnology of food products and biologically active substances (technical sciences)

The journal is indexed in the Higher Attestation Commission (category K2), RISC, ROAD, AGRIS, CrossRef, Google Scholar.

The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), registration number № 014330 dated 10.01.1996. The journal has been assigned an International Standard Serial Number - ISSN 2073-3569.

Current Issue

Vol. 68 No. 3 (2024): Bakery of Russia
					View Vol. 68 No. 3 (2024): Bakery of Russia
Published: 2024-06-30


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