The impact of climate change on the spread of diseases and the development of epizootics in food chains


  • Svetlana M. Lukina All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia


climate change, epizootics, food chains, bakery, biosafety, adaptation, mathematical modeling, GIS technologies, Russia.


Climate change significantly affects the spread of diseases and the development of epizootics in food chains. The purpose of the study is to analyze the mechanisms of this impact and assess the potential risks for the baking industry in Russia. Methods. An integrated approach has been applied, including the analysis of scientific literature, statistical data, results of field and laboratory studies. The methods of epidemiological analysis, mathematical modeling, and GIS mapping were used. Interviews with experts were conducted (n=25). Results. It has been established that an increase in temperature and a change in the precipitation regime contribute to the expansion of the habitats of pathogenic microorganisms and their vectors. 3 key mechanisms of influence have been identified: changes in environmental conditions, weakening of the immunity of organisms, and the evolution of pathogens. A predictive model for the development of epizootics in grain agroecosystems has been developed. Discussion. The results of the study are important for ensuring biosafety and sustainable development of the bakery industry. It is necessary to develop proactive adaptation strategies based on evidence-based risk monitoring and assessment. Promising areas: creation of climatically optimized grain varieties, improvement of integrated plant protection methods.


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How to Cite

Lukina, S. M. (2024). The impact of climate change on the spread of diseases and the development of epizootics in food chains. Bakery of Russia, 68(4), 115–123. Retrieved from




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