Investigation of the capabilities of ESP chips in the development of automated control and monitoring systems on the Internet of Things based on a bakery enterprise


  • Sheng Yusi Tomsk Polytechnic University
  • Wang Chengzhou Tomsk Polytechnic University


Internet of Things (IoT), ESP8266/ESP 32 chips, bakery production, automation, quality monitoring, digitalization of the food industry


This article analyzes the potential of using ESP series chips in building automation and monitoring systems based on the Internet of Things (IoT) concept for the bakery industry. The key characteristics and advantages of ESP chips are considered, ensuring their high suitability for IoT solutions in the food industry. Using the example of a typical bakery, the possibilities of optimizing production and business processes through the introduction of ESP systems for remote control of equipment, monitoring of production conditions and product quality tracking are investigated. The study was conducted at the enterprises of the bakery industry in the digital laboratories of Sigma LLC of the Far Eastern Federal District. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of traditional and ESP-IoT approaches was carried out, which demonstrated statistically significant advantages of the latter in key indicators: reducing equipment downtime by 23%, reducing production waste by 19%, and increasing customer satisfaction by 26%. Further prospects for research in the field of integration of ESP solutions with elements of artificial intelligence and predictive analytics to reach a qualitatively new level of automation in the baking industry are outlined. The results obtained are of high practical value, opening up new horizons of digital transformation and increasing competitiveness for enterprises in the industry.


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How to Cite

Yusi, S., & Chengzhou, W. (2024). Investigation of the capabilities of ESP chips in the development of automated control and monitoring systems on the Internet of Things based on a bakery enterprise. Bakery of Russia, 68(4), 85–94. Retrieved from




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