Approaches to the modernization of the energy industry to ensure the development of the digital economy


  • Ilya V. Samarin Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas


energy, industry, modeling, forecasting, economics


In the era of digitalization of economic processes, companies face the task of deeply transforming existing production resource allocation strategies and demand forecasting methods. Such a transformation implies a transition to integration into a single information space, which, in turn, can significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency of forecasting business activity. This transformation is becoming a cornerstone in the formation of sustainable development at the level of individual States. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the development of a methodology for creating a unified system for forecasting demand for product components in the energy industry, included in the general energy information system. The authors highlight the potential for optimizing individual elements and structures in order to improve data transmission and processing at multiple levels. The main focus of the research is aimed at adapting the energy sector to the conditions of the digital economy through the use of predictive algorithms for product consumption. The importance of the research for practical application is due to the possibility of integrating the developed solutions into the modernization process of enterprises participating in the national production system in the context of large-scale digitalization of economic processes. As an example of the successful implementation of this approach, the experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan is presented, demonstrating the practical applicability and effectiveness of the introduction of innovative digital technologies into standard management and forecasting procedures in the energy industry.


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How to Cite

Samarin, I. V. (2024). Approaches to the modernization of the energy industry to ensure the development of the digital economy. Bakery of Russia, 68(1), 45–62. Retrieved from




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