The use of automated control systems to optimize baking processes in industrial enterprises


  • Zhang Chen Baltic State Technical University «Voenmeh» D.F. Ustinov


bakery industry, automated control systems, optimization of technological processes, quality of bakery products, productivity, resource conservation


The bakery industry is one of the most important branches of the food industry, providing the population with valuable food products. Automated control systems (ACS) are being widely implemented in bakery enterprises to improve production efficiency and product quality. This article discusses the use of automated control systems to optimize baking processes in industrial enterprises. The paper analyzes the main stages of the technological process of bakery products production, including acceptance and storage of raw materials, dosing and mixing of ingredients, dough kneading, division, molding, proofing, baking and cooling of finished products. The key factors influencing the course of the technological process and the quality of the final product, such as temperature, humidity, holding time at individual stages, etc., have been identified. The methods of control and regulation of these parameters using automated control systems are considered. Research materials and methods include the analysis of technical documentation for automated control systems used in the bakery industry, the study of the experience of implementing these systems at industry enterprises, as well as conducting experimental studies of the influence of automated control systems on the quality indicators of bakery products. In particular, studies have been conducted to optimize the dosing of basic raw materials using automatic dispensers with an error of ± 1-2%, to regulate temperature and humidity conditions in proofing and furnace units with an accuracy of ± 0.5 ° C and ± 2%, respectively, as well as to control the holding time of test blanks at certain technological stages with an accuracy of ± 1-3 minutes. The research results have shown that the use of automated control systems can significantly improve the stability of the technological process and the quality of finished products. Thus, reducing the flour dosing error to ± 1% reduces the deviations of dough moisture from the set values by an average of 0.3-0.5%, and optimizing the parameters of proofing and baking bread leads to an increase in the specific volume of products by 10-15% and an improvement in the structural and mechanical properties of the crumb. It was also found that the use of automated control systems helps to reduce production losses of raw materials and finished products by 5-7%, reduce specific energy costs by 8-12% and increase the productivity of technological lines by 10-15% compared with traditional methods of process control. Thus, the results of the conducted research indicate the high efficiency of using automated control systems to optimize baking processes in industrial enterprises. The developed recommendations on the implementation and operation of these systems can be used to improve the quality and competitiveness of bakery products.


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How to Cite

Chen, Z. (2024). The use of automated control systems to optimize baking processes in industrial enterprises. Bakery of Russia, 68(1), 23–33. Retrieved from




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