Development of human resources of a food enterprise: theory and practice of interaction between education and production


  • Vera V. Silakova University named after K.A. Timiryazev


weaknesses and strengths, threats, human resources, social and economic factors, education, analysis, dynamics, technology


In a modern economy and a rapidly changing technological environment, the development of human resources is of particular importance. Providing the company with qualified personnel is a key factor of competitiveness in the market. The interaction of education and production is of particular importance in the context of the need to adapt to new technologies and working methods. The analysis and research of cooperation with educational institutions allow enterprises to create promising personnel reserves and train specialists corresponding to the specifics of the industry. This article discusses a brief description of the company LLC "Food systems". The analysis of personnel policy and economic methods of stimulating the personnel potential of LLC "Food Systems" is carried out. The dynamics of the number of employees, their composition and structure in the branch for the period 2021-2023 are studied, and quantitative indicators of the assessment of human resources potential for this period are presented. The factors and problems affecting the development of the enterprise are investigated. An assessment of the company's strengths and weaknesses has been carried out. Measures are proposed to increase the labor potential through cooperation with universities, with an emphasis on risk management of an industrial enterprise. A model of intersectoral scientific and technical cooperation is presented, including the creation of a competence center on the basis of the National Research Technological University. The article analyzes the features of scientific and technological progress at enterprises and the mechanisms of their interaction with production structures. The concept of innovative strategic planning is proposed, focused on the development of human resources and improving product quality.


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How to Cite

Silakova, V. V. (2024). Development of human resources of a food enterprise: theory and practice of interaction between education and production. Bakery of Russia, 68(4), 95–104. Retrieved from

