Analysis of the effectiveness of state support for the agro-industrial complex in the Russian Federation and its impact on the sustainable development of processing industries


  • Mikhail E. Rassudimov Russian State University of Social Technologies
  • Vladimir A. Sologub South Russian Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy economy and public service


agro-industrial complex, state support, sustainable development, processing industries, efficiency, modernization, innovation, investment


In the context of the strategic development of the Russian Federation, the sustainable functioning of the agro-industrial complex (AIC), which is a key driver of the country's economic growth, is of particular importance. Government support for agriculture, characterized by its multidimensional and multidirectional nature, has a significant impact on the dynamics of the development of processing industries, which are an integral element of the value chain in the agricultural sector. The purpose of this study is a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of state support for agriculture in the Russian Federation and identification of its role in ensuring the sustainable development of processing industries. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the fundamental works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of state regulation of agriculture, sustainable development and economics of processing industries. The information and empirical base of the work was formed by statistical data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, analytical materials from research institutes and expert assessments. To achieve this goal, methods of systematic, structural and functional, economic and statistical analysis, as well as graphical interpretation of data were used. The analysis made it possible to identify the positive dynamics of key indicators of the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation against the background of increased state support for the industry. So, for the period 2015-2020. The volume of financing of the State Program for the Development of agriculture and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food markets increased by 23.7%, reaching 319.5 billion rubles in 2020. At the same time, the index of agricultural production in comparable prices increased by 10.8%, and the profitability of agricultural organizations (including subsidies) increased from 20.3% to 23.5%. In the context of processing industries, a heterogeneous picture is observed: the food industry shows the highest growth rates (production index for 2015-2020 It amounted to 123.1%), while the light industry is characterized by stagnant trends (an increase of 4.2%). It has been established that state support for the agro-industrial complex contributes to the modernization of the material and technical base of processing enterprises, stimulates investment attraction and accelerates the introduction of innovative technologies. At the same time, problematic aspects have been identified that limit the effectiveness of state regulation, including: insufficient coordination of support measures at the federal and regional levels, weak focus on stimulating deep processing of agricultural raw materials, limited access of small business entities to financial resources.


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How to Cite

Rassudimov, M. E., & Sologub, V. A. (2024). Analysis of the effectiveness of state support for the agro-industrial complex in the Russian Federation and its impact on the sustainable development of processing industries. Bakery of Russia, 68(2), 143–151. Retrieved from




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