Methods for determining the acid number of grain fat and its processed products


  • Artyom V. Yaitskikh V.M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems
  • Lyudmila V. Vanina V.M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems
  • Antonina S. Tsygarkina V.M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems


acid number of fat, grain products, storage, fatty acids, enzymes, determination methods


This article presents a review of the main methods for determining the acid number of fat in grain and its processing products, which are used in our country – from well-known accepted to the latest. Their analysis and systematization are carried out, the main advantages and disadvantages are highlighted, based on economic efficiency, ease of use, and objectivity of the results obtained. The article discusses various methods for determining the acid number of fat contained in grain and its processing products. The acid number is an important indicator of the quality of fats, as it reflects their degree of oxidation and, accordingly, freshness and suitability for consumption. The authors analyze in detail classical and modern approaches to measuring this parameter, including titrimetric, spectrophotometric, and chromatographic methods. Special attention is given to comparing the accuracy, sensitivity, and convenience of using different techniques. The article emphasizes that the choice of method for determining the acid number depends on the specifics of the sample, the required accuracy of measurements, and the available equipment. The authors also discuss the influence of storage conditions of grain and its processing products on the change in acid number, highlighting the importance of this parameter for assessing the quality of food products. In conclusion, the article presents recommendations for the optimal choice of analysis methods for different types of products. It also describes promising directions for the development of methods for determining the acid number, including the use of automated and high-throughput technologies. The research provides valuable information for specialists in the field of agrochemistry and the food industry, aiming to improve the quality and safety of their products.


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How to Cite

Yaitskikh, A. V., Vanina, L. V., & Tsygarkina, A. S. (2024). Methods for determining the acid number of grain fat and its processed products. Bakery of Russia, 68(1), 34–44. Retrieved from




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