The use of robotic systems to automate the processes of loading and unloading bakery products in bakeries


  • Jiayuan Shen Belgorod State Technological University


robotics, automation, bakery industry, manipulator, technical vision, machine learning, loading, unloading, bakery products, production efficiency


This article discusses the use of robotic systems to automate the processes of loading and unloading bakery products in bakeries. The purpose of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of the use of robotic complexes in the bakery industry to optimize production processes and improve product quality. As part of the research, methods of system analysis, mathematical modeling and experimental methods were applied. The research materials were data on existing robotic systems for automating processes in the bakery industry, as well as the results of experimental tests of a robotic complex developed by the authors for loading and unloading bakery products. The study analyzed various types of robotic systems used in the bakery industry and identified their advantages and disadvantages. Based on the data obtained, an innovative robotic complex was developed, consisting of a manipulator with 6 degrees of freedom, a vision system based on stereo cameras and machine learning algorithms for recognizing and classifying bakery products. Experimental tests of the developed complex have shown its high efficiency in automating the processes of loading and unloading products. The positioning accuracy of the manipulator was 0.5 mm, and the productivity of the complex reached 1200 products per hour, which is 20% higher than the productivity of manual labor. The results of the study demonstrate the prospects of using robotic systems to automate processes in the bakery industry. The implementation of the developed complex will improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs and minimize the impact of the human factor on product quality. Further research will be aimed at optimizing manipulator control algorithms and improving the accuracy of product recognition by the vision system.


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How to Cite

Shen, J. (2024). The use of robotic systems to automate the processes of loading and unloading bakery products in bakeries. Bakery of Russia, 68(2), 58–67. Retrieved from




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