The use of intelligent control algorithms to improve the quality and energy efficiency of bakery production


  • Ekaterina V. Krasavina Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Irina A. Khasheva RANEPA Branch, South Russian Institute of Management


bakery production, intelligent control algorithms, optimization, energy efficiency, product quality, fuzzy logic, neural network, genetic algorithms


The bakery industry is one of the key branches of the food industry, which plays an important role in providing the population with high-quality bakery products. However, despite the centuries-old history of development, this industry faces a number of problems related to improving product quality, reducing energy costs and optimizing production processes. Currently, a promising direction for solving these problems is the use of intelligent control algorithms based on artificial intelligence and machine learning methods. This article discusses the possibilities of using intelligent control algorithms to improve the quality and energy efficiency of bakery production. The analysis of existing approaches to the management of technological processes of baking is carried out, their disadvantages and limitations are revealed. The concept of an intelligent bakery production management system based on the use of fuzzy logic methods, neural networks and genetic algorithms is proposed. A mathematical model of the bread baking process has been developed, taking into account the influence of key factors such as temperature, humidity, baking time, etc. Based on this model, a software package has been created that implements algorithms for optimizing baking modes in order to achieve the required quality indicators of finished products while minimizing energy consumption. Experimental studies have been conducted on the basis of an existing bakery, which confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The application of the developed control system has allowed to improve the quality of products by 15%, reduce energy consumption by 12% and increase productivity by 10%. The results obtained are important for the development of the bakery industry and can be used in the modernization of existing and design of new bakeries. Further research will be aimed at expanding the functionality of the developed system, in particular, at implementing adaptive control algorithms that take into account changes in the characteristics of raw materials and environmental conditions in real time.


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How to Cite

Krasavina, E. V., & Khasheva, I. A. (2024). The use of intelligent control algorithms to improve the quality and energy efficiency of bakery production. Bakery of Russia, 68(2), 49–57. Retrieved from

