Strategies for optimizing intensification factors to increase the efficiency of the reproduction process in the agro-industrial complex


  • Alexey N. Vorotnikov CJSC «Biocad»


agro-industrial complex, reproduction process, intensification factors, optimization, innovative technologies, efficiency, profitability, development strategies


This article discusses the problem of optimizing intensification factors to increase the efficiency of the reproductive process in the agro-industrial complex. The aim of the study is to develop strategies aimed at maximizing the productivity and profitability of agricultural enterprises through the introduction of innovative technologies, rational use of resources and improvement of organizational and economic mechanisms. Research materials and methods include statistical data analysis, expert assessments, mathematical modeling and econometric analysis. In particular, the efficiency indicators of the use of fixed assets, labor resources, material and technical base and financial capital in 120 agricultural organizations in various regions of Russia for the period from 2015 to 2023 were studied. The methods of correlation and regression analysis, optimization modeling, factor analysis and expert forecasting were used. The results of the study showed that the key factors in the intensification of the reproductive process in the agro-industrial complex are: the introduction of advanced agricultural technologies (precision farming, biotechnology, robotics and automation of production); optimization of the structure of acreage and crop rotations; the use of highly productive plant varieties and animal breeds; the development of land reclamation and ensuring rational water use; improvement of fertilizers and plant protection products; modernization machine and tractor fleet and the use of energy-saving equipment; deepening specialization and development of integration processes; introduction of digital management technologies and information and consulting systems. Calculations show that the comprehensive implementation of the proposed strategies will increase the yield of major crops by 25-40%, animal productivity by 15-30%, reduce the material intensity of production by 20-25%, and increase profitability to 35-45%. It is predicted that by 2030, the total economic effect of optimizing the intensification factors may reach 1.5-2 trillion rubles.


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How to Cite

Vorotnikov, A. N. (2024). Strategies for optimizing intensification factors to increase the efficiency of the reproduction process in the agro-industrial complex. Bakery of Russia, 68(2), 32–40. Retrieved from




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