Blockchain technologies in the logistics of the bakery industry: application prospects and limitations


  • Igor S. Kryuchkov Uralchem Company


blockchain technologies, food industry logistics, supply chain, transparency, efficiency, interoperability, standardization.


Currently, blockchain technologies are becoming increasingly widespread in various sectors of the economy, including in the logistics of the bakery industry. This article is devoted to the study of the prospects for the application and limitations of blockchain technologies in this area. Methods of system analysis, comparative analysis, expert assessments, as well as analysis of scientific publications and reports of industry organizations were used to conduct the study. Data on the implementation of blockchain solutions in the logistics of the bakery industry of leading companies, as well as statistical data on the blockchain technology market in general, were used as materials for analysis. The study period covers 2018-2023. The analysis showed that the use of blockchain technologies in the logistics of the bakery industry can significantly increase the transparency and efficiency of supply chains. Thus, the introduction of blockchain solutions for tracking the origin and quality of grain and flour can reduce the monitoring time from 7 days to several hours. At the same time, there are certain limitations associated with the need to ensure the interoperability of various blockchain platforms, data standardization, as well as high initial implementation costs. According to experts, the market volume of blockchain solutions in the logistics of the bakery industry may reach $ 500 million by 2025, but for the full-scale implementation of these technologies it will be necessary to overcome existing restrictions and barriers.


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How to Cite

Kryuchkov, I. S. (2024). Blockchain technologies in the logistics of the bakery industry: application prospects and limitations. Bakery of Russia, 68(4), 45–54. Retrieved from




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