The use of artificial intelligence technologies to automate customer service processes and improve the quality of service


  • Alexander V. Rogatkin SERK LLC


artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, chatbots, personalization, customer service, automation, quality of service


In an era of rapid development of digital technologies and growing competition in the market, companies are increasingly striving to optimize customer service processes and improve the quality of service. One of the most promising tools to achieve these goals is artificial intelligence (AI). This article discusses the possibilities of using AI technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing and computer vision to automate various aspects of customer service. Research materials and methods include analysis of existing scientific publications, reports from industry experts and cases of AI implementation in the customer service sector. A systematic review of the literature was conducted using the Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar databases. The key search criteria were the terms «artificial intelligence», «machine learning», «customer service», «quality of service». From an initial sample of 647 publications, 54 of the most relevant articles were selected for detailed analysis. The results of the study demonstrate that the introduction of AI technologies can significantly increase the efficiency and speed of customer service, reduce operating costs and improve the customer experience. Thus, the use of chatbots based on natural language processing makes it possible to automate up to 80% of typical client requests, reducing the average response time from 5-10 minutes to 1-2 minutes. Machine learning algorithms that analyze the history of customer interaction help personalize communications and increase the conversion rate of marketing campaigns by 15-20%. Computer vision has been successfully used to biometrically identify customers and enhance transaction security. The article provides specific examples of the use of AI by companies such as Amazon, Sberbank, Alibaba, and Uber.


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How to Cite

Rogatkin, A. V. (2024). The use of artificial intelligence technologies to automate customer service processes and improve the quality of service. Bakery of Russia, 68(2), 100–107. Retrieved from




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