Propagation of acoustic radiation in the grain mass of wheat


  • Dmitry I. Borisenko National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute»


grain mass, wheat, acoustic radiation, propagation length, attenuation


In order to preserve the harvest, additional information about the properties of the grain mass is needed to develop new technologies for monitoring the quality of grain in storage. One of the promising directions is the use of acoustic radiation. The work is devoted to the study of the transmission distance of acoustic radiation in the grain mass of wheat, at which it is available for instrumental control. A method for studying the propagation of acoustic radiation in the grain mass has been developed, an experimental stand has been created, and experimental data have been obtained. It is shown that the signals recorded in the work are acoustic radiation from the speaker, and not the result of interference in the equipment caused by electrical effects. It has been found that the attenuation coefficient of acoustic radiation in the wheat grain mass in the frequency range from 300 Hz to 5500 Hz varies multiple times (at times) and has a minimum value at frequencies of 1-1.5 Hz. It has been established that acoustic radiation with a power of less than 100 MW propagating through the grain mass of wheat is instrumentally recorded at a distance of up to 3.5 m or more.


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How to Cite

Borisenko, D. I. (2023). Propagation of acoustic radiation in the grain mass of wheat. Bakery of Russia, 67(3), 26–35. Retrieved from




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