Using blockchain technologies to improve supply chain management and quality control in the Russian bakery industry


  • Nikolai V. Bodryakov Production Association "Arem"


blockchain, land resources, cadastral data, agriculture, smart contracts, tokenization, investments.


Blockchain technologies, being an innovative and promising solution, are capable of revolutionizing supply chain management and quality control in the Russian bakery industry. This study analyzes the potential advantages and possibilities of using blockchain to optimize the processes of ingredient traceability, monitoring the conditions of transportation and storage of bakery products, as well as verifying their quality and safety. Research materials and methods include an analysis of existing pilot projects for the introduction of blockchain in the food industry, as well as the study of the theoretical aspects of this technology and its adaptation to the specifics of Russian bakery. The results of the study demonstrate that the use of blockchain can provide increased transparency, reliability and efficiency of supply chain management and quality control of bakery products. The introduction of a decentralized blockchain-based traceability system allows you to track the origin and movement of raw materials and ingredients at all stages of production, guaranteeing their quality and safety for the consumer. The use of smart contracts and IoT sensors makes it possible to monitor the conditions of transportation and storage of finished products in real time, minimizing the risks of spoilage and losses. In addition, the integration of the blockchain with quality control systems and laboratory information systems ensures the immutability and reliability of product test results, eliminating the possibility of their falsification. The blockchain-based solutions proposed in the study can become the foundation for the formation of an effective, transparent and secure supply chain management and quality control system in the Russian bakery industry, contributing to increased consumer confidence and product competitiveness in the market.


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How to Cite

Bodryakov , N. V. (2024). Using blockchain technologies to improve supply chain management and quality control in the Russian bakery industry. Bakery of Russia, 68(4), 38–44. Retrieved from




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