Strategies for the development of enterprises in the context of digitalization


  • Igor A. Wagner Российский биотехнологический университет


development strategy, digitalization, CRM systems


The article discusses variations in enterprise development strategies in the context of digitalization. It justifies the need for active use of digitalization opportunities for planning and implementing development strategies. The most promising and economically advantageous, as well as the most effective vectors of digitalization use for progressive development strategies, are analyzed. In the context of rapid digital technology development, enterprises face the need to adapt and implement new strategies to ensure their competitiveness. The article examines key aspects of business digitalization and its impact on the strategic development of enterprises. Modern trends and technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, blockchain, and big data, which play a key role in transforming business processes, are analyzed. Special attention is given to the development of digital strategies, including changes in organizational structure, the development of digital culture, and employee upskilling. Examples of successful cases of digital technology implementation in various industries are discussed, as well as the main challenges and risks associated with digitalization. In conclusion, recommendations for effective management of digital transformations are proposed, aimed at increasing the efficiency and sustainability of enterprises in a rapidly changing digital environment.


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How to Cite

Wagner, I. A. (2024). Strategies for the development of enterprises in the context of digitalization. Bakery of Russia, 68(2), 136–142. Retrieved from

