Varietal method for producing wheat and flaxseed flour


  • Ivan A. Kechkin Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


wheat and flaxseed flour, multi-grade grinding, laboratory baking of bread, GOST, single-grade grinding


The article discusses the technology of food production. The analysis of the grinding of a wheat-flax mixture for the production of high-protein flour by mixing flour streams of individual systems of varietal bakery grinding with the formation of three varieties, their energy value. The analysis of the chemical composition of the formed types of varietal flour was carried out. The materials of the study were products from dietary and preventive grain based on poly-grain mixtures. The article shows the possibility of joint grinding of a wheat-flax mixture in order to obtain high-protein flour enriched with essential fatty acids. The disadvantages of multi-grade grinding are indicated due to the baking analysis of the properties of flour of various grades. The question of the expediency of multi-grade grinding with the addition of flaxseed flour has been raised. The result of the study was the development of a new scheme for grinding a grain mixture consisting of cereals and flax seeds of various types and percentages of fat.


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How to Cite

Kechkin, I. A. (2024). Varietal method for producing wheat and flaxseed flour. Bakery of Russia, 68(1), 110–119. Retrieved from

