Organoleptic evaluation of instant oatmeal


  • Svetlana N. Kolomiets V.M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems
  • Natalia S. Zhiltsova V.M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems
  • Olga I. Bundina V.M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems


oatmeal porridge, fast cooking, organoleptics, score, comprehensive organoleptic assessment



In recent years, the consumer market has seen a positive trend in sales of instant cereals and concentrates based on them, including instant (not requiring cooking), which indicates their demand. The manufacturer, based on the taste preferences of the consumer, introduces new ingredients into the product structure – fruits, mixtures of berries, herbs, thereby expanding their range. By the Expert Commission of the VNIIZ – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Budgetary Institution «Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems named after V. M. Gorbatov» RAS conducted a quality assessment of 6 samples of oatmeal porridge with various additives from different domestic manufacturers for different retail chains. For research, samples of oatmeal porridge in bags were selected, developed in accordance with the standards of the organization (SRT) and technical specifications. The cereal samples are packaged in individual bags, which contain information containing all the necessary information for the consumer.  The examination of the quality of oatmeal samples was carried out according to organoleptic indicators with justification and characteristics of each assessment. The scores were given on a five-point scale, which were then summed up and their average values for appearance, color, smell, consistency and taste were determined using the point method. The calculation of the complex organoleptic evaluation (COC) of the studied products was carried out. The purpose of this work was to carry out an organoleptic assessment of instant oatmeal porridges and to establish the compliance of the quality of the studied samples with the requirements of accepted regulatory documents. To exclude the preference of the commission members for a particular manufacturer and trademark, each sample was assigned numbers. According to the results of the tasting, it was found that the studied oatmeal porridge met the requirements of regulatory documents in all respects. One sample (№ 1) out of 6 was unsuitable for consumption (COO less than 60). Two samples (№ 2 and No. 3) had good quality (COO over 60) and excellent (COO over 80) quality in three samples (№ 4-6). At the same time, sample № 6 had the highest quality level (100 points).


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How to Cite

Kolomiets, S. N., Zhiltsova, N. S., & Bundina, O. I. (2024). Organoleptic evaluation of instant oatmeal. Bakery of Russia, 68(1), 92–97. Retrieved from

