Retraction note

Retraction (withdrawal) of an article from publication is a mechanism for correcting published information and notifying readers that the publication contains serious drawbacks or erroneous data that cannot be trusted. The reason for withdrawal of an article may be a duplicate publication, plagiarism, serious errors in research and other violations.
In accordance with the rules of the Ethics Council of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ASEP), the grounds for retracting the article are:
1) Finding incorrect borrowings (plagiarism) in publications;
2) Duplication of the article in several editions;обнаружение в работе фальсификаций или фабрикаций (например, подтасовки экспериментальных данных);
3) Detection of serious errors in work (e.g. misinterpretation of results), which calls into question its scientific value;
4) Incorrect composition of authors (includes people who do not meet the criteria of authorship);
5) Conflicts of interest (and other breaches of publication ethics) are concealed;
6) The article was not reviewed.
The main purpose of the retraction is to correct the published information and ensure its integrity, not to punish the authors who have committed violations.
Withdrawal of the article is carried out on the official request of the editorial board of the journal or the author. During the retraction the article remains in the journal, but in the information about the article, in the file, in the databases it is indicated that the article is withdrawn.
The order of retracting articles
1. If the author/authors' team finds it necessary to withdraw an article, they apply to the editorial office, explaining the reason for their decision. If the editorial board does not respond to such a request, the author/authors' team should contact the Scientific Publications Ethics Council. If the editorial board responds to the authors and agrees to the retraction, it will then retract the text itself.
2. If the Editorial Board decides to withdraw the text on the basis of its expertise or the information received, the Editor-in-Chief will inform the authors/authors' team of the decision. The author (lead author in case of collective authorship) will be acquainted with the wording justifying the retraction of the article.
3. if the author/authors' team ignores the request of the editorial office, the editor-in-chief or editor-in-chief requests the assistance of the ASEP Scientific Publications Ethics Council.
4. Having made a decision to withdraw the article, the editorial board indicates the reason for the retraction (in case of plagiarism - with an indication of the sources of borrowing), as well as the date of retraction. The article and the description of the article remain on the journal's website as part of the corresponding issue of the journal, but the electronic version of the text is marked with an inscription RETRACTED and the date of retraction, the same note is put in the index of the issue.
5. The ASEP Scientific Publications Ethics Council, the scientific information databases (NEB, CyberLeninka), as well as all network libraries and databases where the journal is indexed, are provided with the protocol indicating the date of the meeting of the Editorial Board, the composition of the members of the meeting, the results of the examination, a reasoned decision and the completed form:
1. Name of the author and title of the article.
2. Name of the publication from which the text is withdrawn.
3. The initiator of the article withdrawal.
4. The basis for withdrawal of the article and the date of the decision.
5. Link to the page on the website of the publication, where the information about the retraction is given.
6. Output data of the article and DOI (if any).
7. Topics (social sciences; agriculture, etc.).
8. Date of policy update.